Dr. Kamalkumar Jiddimani


Dr. Kamalkumar belongs to a family of doctors. But as he grew up surrounded by pets, he had already decided to be a vet early on. Dr. Kamalkumar has completed his BVSc from College of Veterinary Science, Udgir and his Masters in Veterinary Surgery from KNP College Of Veterinary Science, Shirwal.

He was always fascinated by ophthalmology and hence he chose to work on cataract surgery as his research topic. Upon successful completion of his research, he joined The Eye Vet in Jan 2021 to fulfill his dream to become a veterinary ophthalmologist.  His excellent surgical skills and gentle nature make him a highly valued part of our team. When Dr. Kamalkumar is not working he is often seen at a hockey field playing with his teammates.

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